If you are the owner of an estate or you manage a business, have you ever thought about what would happen should a tragic and unforeseen deterioration of your health occur? As insurance professionals, we have seen it happen all too often
In our experience, the number one piece of advice we could give to home or business owners is to put in place a plan using the right insurance to safeguard your lifestyle and your business future. Then, if something goes wrong, your well worked and comprehensive insurance plan can re-establish control of your finances.
If something goes seriously wrong with your health, well-being and current financial situation, you should look to achieve the following goals in the face of what may well be your most overwhelming adversity:
Giving the greatest possible access to medical advice, treatment and technology so that you can get yourself well, back on your feet and hopefully limit the effect of the disablement process on your career, income, lifestyle and dependents.
Gaining control of your debt as soon into the disablement process as possible. Ideally, your insurance plan should result in the elimination or significant reduction of the levels of your outstanding debts and financial obligations.
Creating a source of income that will fund your lifestyle and keep your house and/or your business in your hands.
We can attest to just how difficult this has been for many people who have “gone it alone” without a solid insurance plan in place. Some of the worst mistakes we have seen include people mistakenly backing themselves to carry out many of these tasks and functions after their health has come apart at the seams without the necessary insurance. If you are so sick that you can’t actually carry out the many vital roles and functions that still need to be carried out within your business, family and estate, then failure and devastating failure at that, unfortunately awaits you. Also, if you have the wrong type of insurance or an insufficient sum assured, you could find yourself similarly overwhelmed by your financial responsibility. The key in both cases is to establish an insurance plan that works right from the start, using professional insurance advice to get it right.
As insurance professionals, we can help you build the right plan for your unique situation and life circumstances. Our capable team does this everyday, and we have the soundest professional processes in place. Your personal plan should contain the answers to four questions:
What needs to be protected?
How much money will I need for this?
Where does the funding that you will need come from?
Is my plan solid enough to protect me against the worst that could happen?
We can help give you answers to all of these questions. With the right insurance, the funds you require in your time of need will be taken care of. We can help source the best and most competitive insurance on the market from the most reputable sources. Use our skilled and experienced professionals, construct a plan and shield against the risk of losing your most important assets.
For more information on how Spratt Financial’s team of advisers can assist with managing your insurance programme, use our contact form here. You can also contact us by calling 09 307 8200 or email us any time at and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.